If you or loved ones have been hurt, threatened, or are in danger, you can contact emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
911 will connect you to local police, fire rescue, emergency medical, or other public safety services. You can call or text. Providing your name and location to the dispatcher will make it easier for emergency services to find and help you.
If you or loved ones are in distress, you can contact a free and confidential support network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
988 will connect you to trained crisis counselors. You can call or text. You can also chat with someone at The primary goal is to provide crisis support, not in-person services.
Hotlines offer support, information, and referrals to services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
They have people available with specific expertise related to what you or loved ones are experiencing, and can give you information for your region.
See the list of hotlines for more details.
Emergency HotlinesVIDA provides free legal and immigration assistance to immigrant survivors and their families, helps them access support services, trains advocates and professionals, gives outreach and education, and advocates for fair policies and services.
Contact VIDA for information, to request assistance, and more.

Resources for Survivors
Get help recognizing violence and abuse, learning about different types of violence and abuse, understanding the justice and recovery process, and more.
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Resources for Immigrants
Get help understanding immigrant rights, relief available to immigrants, the immigration process, find links to information and services needed for an immigration case, and more.
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Resources for Advocates
Get help on the laws, best practices, and care strategies needed to work with and advocate for immigrant survivors, their families and their communities, including subject matter expert training and technical assistance.
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